新日本出版社『こころとからだの不安によりそう 性ってなんだろう? 4 好きになるってどういうこと?』
たかまつかなえ2022/03/25 UPDATEお知らせ
Shinnihon Shuppansha What is this because of anxiety about mind and body? 4 What does it mean to like you?
新日本出版社『こころとからだの不安によりそう 性ってなんだろう? 4 好きになるってどういうこと?』監修:北山ひと美 指導協力:青野真澄
Shinnihon Shuppansha What is this because of anxiety about mind and body? 4 What does it mean to like you? Supervision: Hitomi Kitayama Guidance and cooperation: Masumi Aono
I was in charge of the illustrations for Volume 4! This is a comprehensive sex education book where you can learn how each person's colorful sex should be. It is placed in the library etc. for the middle grades of elementary school.