[お仕事紹介] スプラッシュトップ株式会社 Splashtop Business WebサイトMV
たかまつかなえ2020/12/08 UPDATEお知らせ
Splashtop Co., Ltd. Splashtop Business website MV
リモートデスクトップのスプラッシュトップ株式会社様の法人向けサイト「Splashtop Business」のメインビジュアルを担当しました。
オフィスのPC画面をそのまま自宅PCで見ることが出来る、という特徴をオフィス/自宅で二分割したシーンと吹き出しで表し、Splashtop Businessのキーカラーである紫をベースに構成しています。
I was in charge of the main visual of the corporate site “Splashtop Business” of Remote Desktop Splashtop Co., Ltd.
The feature that the office PC screen can be viewed as it is on the home PC is expressed by the scene divided into two at the office / home and the balloon, and it is composed based on purple, which is the key color of Splashtop Business.
In addition, the merit of remote desktop is expressed by comparing the businessmen who come and go in a hurry and the businessmen who work leisurely at home.
This is also supported so that it will be displayed optimally in each environment even when visited from various devices, so please take a look from your desktop or mobile.
Click here for the URL of the site
▷ https://www.splashtop.co.jp/products-service/business.html