ワニブックス発刊 書籍「自律神経を整える 名句なぞり書き帳」 全面帯のイラストと中面の挿絵を描かせて頂きました。
本山 浩子2021/12/24 UPDATEお知らせ
Book published by Wanibooks “A famous phrase tracing book that prepares the autonomic nerves” I drew an illustration of the entire band and an illustration of the inside.
ワニブックス発刊書籍「自律神経を整える 名句なぞり書き帳」が書籍の帯デザインを一新して発売されました。
The book “Travel Writing Book for Autonomic Nervous System” published by Wanibooks has been released with a redesigned obi design.
I am drawing an illustration of the entire band and an illustration of the inside. If you have one, please take a look.