[お仕事紹介] スプラッシュトップ株式会社 Splashtop オウンドメディアnoteバナー
たかまつかなえ2020/12/08 UPDATEお知らせ
[Job introduction] Splashtop Co., Ltd. Owned media note banner
I was in charge of the top banner of note, which is an owned media of Remote Desktop Splashtop Co., Ltd.
With a catch phrase, “I like it when the way I work changes,” the remote desktop service allows a variety of people and mysterious creatures to freely spend their time in the woods with a gentle and gentle touch. I am expressing.
The part displayed on the banner of the note is only the central part, and the characters above and below are hidden characters that appear when sharing the URL, which is a little playful.
Click here for the URL of the site
▷ https://note.splashtop.co.jp/